M-F and Saturday 11am-7pm
Sunday 12pm-5pm

7am-11pm EVERY DAY

(913) 686-6562

5200 E 45th St
Kansas City, MO 64130

Pinewood Derby Car Workshops Now Available At HammerSpace

We held another successful pinewood derby car workshop at Hammerspace for some local scouts over the weekend. It's always a fun, rewarding experience for us getting the chance to teach both the kids and their parents how to use power tools to make award winning vehicles... which they most certainly did! Good luck at the races, guys!

If you have a group of scouts who need the tools and guidance to build fast and furious pinewood derby cars, just let us know and we can schedule a private workshop time for your group. Only $15/child if you bring your own car kit. Call (913) 686-6562 or email hammerspacehobby @ gmail to get more information.

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