M-F and Saturday 11am-7pm
Sunday 12pm-5pm

7am-11pm EVERY DAY

(913) 686-6562

5200 E 45th St
Kansas City, MO 64130

Exciting Expansion Coming To HammerSpace!

If you have visited our facility recently, you may have noticed a wall missing from the hallway, and something store-like being built in its place. We are pleased to announce that we are adding a STORE to the HammerSpace Community Workshop facility for patrons of the workshop, and local hobbyists of the maker-kind. But what will this store be selling? Just about everything you forgot to pick up on your way to the HammerSpace workshop! Here's a quick list of items we will carry in our store:
Various hardware & fasteners
3D printer filament
Solder and numerous electronic components
Electronics kits
Metalworking materials
Plaster, pigments, and other molding & casting supplies & materials
Sand papers
Paints & brushes
Industrial crafting materials
And much more!
If you have any other ideas for our inventory, just let us know, and we will try to include it.

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