We fired up one of the flower pot foundries we build last week to test some cheap crucible designs. We tried propane cylinder crucibles, and stainless steel can, but the power of our furnace was too much for either. Next week we'll try using ceramic and thicker steel to build our crucibles. Reaching aluminum or…
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Brawndo – It’s what GEEKS crave!
We (Dave Dalton and Craig Berscheidt) just finished the Brawndo fountain for the front hall here at Hammerspace, and I am quite pleased with the results. Only minutes after the fountain was finally assembled, I had the great pleasure of testing it out on out unsuspecting (and thirsty) UPS man. When given the choice between…
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What are YOU making for mom this year?
OMG, MOTHER'S DAY IS THIS SUNDAY?!?!?! What are all you makers makerin' for the mamas in YOUR life this Mother's Day? Come on over to HammerSpace to work on your project before time runs out! Day-passes available for non-members. Or take our BRONZE CASTING CLASS this SATURDAY (the day before mom's day) and make her…
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Welcome Readers of Johnson County Lifestyle Magazine!
Thank you Kendra from Johnson County Lifestyle Magazine for the fantastic article, and your enthusiasm for our workshop. For those of you who haven't seen the article, here is the link: HammerSpace article in JCL Magazine
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